sen6 dati tecnici

sen6 tech data


Connessione indipendente NB-IoT

Connessione WiFi per lo streaming dei dati e gli aggiornamenti del firmware OTA (Over-The-Air)


Double processor architecture (System + ML dedicated CPU)

Micro SD slot store and forward data

Sensori inerziali

Sensibilità tecnologia sen6 [mg/LSB]: 0,122 | 0,244 | 0,488 | 0,976

sen6 tech Sensitivity [mg/LSB] 0,122 | 0,244 | 0,488 | 0,976

Tecnologia sen6 Range [g]: ±250 | ±500 | ±1000 | ±2000

sen6 tech Sensitivity [mg/LSB]  8,75 | 17,50 | 35 | 70

High-performance triaxial magnetometer: ±50 gauss


The device acquires location information through positioning systems:


Sensore ambientale

Each environment sensor has an independent adjustable ODR: rrom 1 to 1.600 Hz. sampling rate

4 on-board temperature sensors: surface, exterior, interior of the device. Fourth external sensor can be added.

Three of the three temperature probes are available as connectors, so they can also be remote outside the device

Con un intervallo tra 300 hPa e 1200 hPa e un'accuratezza di ±0,25%

Precisione ±3% dell'umidità relativa

Con un intervallo tra 60 Hz e 20 kHz - 24 bit

Volatile organic compounds are divided into three categories, depending on the sources of origin:

anthropogenic compounds, originating mainly from human activities, such as petroleum-derived solvents and combustion products; They include benzene, toluene, methane, carbon tetrachloride, ethane, etc. In particular, the industrial use of fossil fuels produces VOCs, either directly from products (e.g. petrol), or indirectly as by-products (e.g. motor vehicle exhaust gases).

biogenic compounds of predominantly natural origin, such as terpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, sabinene, etc.), which are contained in plant essential oils;

anthropogenic and biogenic compounds, such as isoprene (widely synthesized industrially for the production of plastics and synthetic rubbers)


RS 485 interface - Modbus

Caratteristiche elettriche e ambientali

Direct 12÷24 Vdc

USB Tipo C 5 Vdc

Average power consumption 200mA max @12V.

Certified internal battery

Logo Uberlift Condition monitoring system AI integrated

© 2024 Uberlift S.r.l. a socio unico


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